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Ontario Gamma
Membership Recruitment

Interested in Becoming a Member?


Rush refers to the official period of time when fraternities or sororities actively seek out new members.
Formal Rush takes place every year in September. A similar, but less formal, rush period takes in January.

Rush week is a great opportunity to meet the Sisters of Pi Beta Phi and find out for yourself what we are really all about.

In the time between rush periods, we encourage interested women to contact us for more information about membership recruitment. Just follow the Info Request link below.

RUSH WEEK - Fall 2002
Dates T.B.A

Want more information? Just click on the link below.

Hazing Policy

Hazing is any action taken or situation crated intentionally that creates discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule.
There is a stereotype that initiation into a fraternity involves hazing. This is NOT the case with Pi Beta Phi.

The Grand Council of Pi Beta Phi has a strict policy against hazing which reads:

"There shall be no form of mock initiation, hazing, or other inappropriate or demeaning activities in the Fraternity Orientation program or other activities of a Pi Beta Phi chapter".

We strongly believe in building our members up, not breaking them down.

Why Become a Member of
Pi Beta Phi?

* Get More Out of University than Just a Degree

* Create Bonds with a Diverse Group of Fabulous Women

* Share Fraternity Secrets only Pi Phis know

* Academic Support

* Create Memories to Last a Lifetime

* Service to the Community

* Big-Little Sister Support System

* Social Events

* National Philanthropies
* Networking

* Leadership Opportunities

* Improve Organizational Skills

* Travel Opportunities

* Lifetime Membership

* Alumnae Clubs after graduation

* Fun!

Do you have a Question or Concern about how to become a member of Pi Beta Phi?
Get answers using our info request: